What we do?
Cloud gaming, sometimes called gaming on demand, is a type of online gaming. Currently there are two main types of cloud gaming: cloud gaming based on video streaming and cloud gaming based on file streaming. Cloud gaming aims to provide end users frictionless and direct play-ability of games across various devices.
Gaming on demand is a game service which takes advantage of a broadband connection, large server clusters, encryptionand compression to stream game content to a subscriber's device. Users can play games without downloading or installing the actual game. Game content is not stored on the user's hard drive and game code execution occurs primarily at the server cluster, so the subscriber can use a less powerful computer to play the game than the game would normally require, since the server does all performance-intensive operations usually done by the end user's computer. Most cloud gaming platforms are closed and proprietary.
Main Features:
Access Game Play without meet any requements
Access Sofware without meet any requements
No aditional software need only web browser based on Chrome or Firefox
Work on Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, even mobile
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